American Despair Of Pop Culture Analysis

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Pop culture is an assortment of values, ideas, activities, and products that are aimed at and consumed by the mass people. People’s life is surrounded by pop culture and pop culture shapes people’s lives and effects personalities of people. Pop culture has the ability to influence people through television, social networking sites, and advertisements. Pop culture has become a part of people’s everyday life and pop culture has made it difficult for people to avoid pop culture or live without pop culture. There are positive and negative impacts of pop culture in people’s lives. Television influences people by giving people an access to learn new education and knowledge, helps people to know about the activities that are going around them through …show more content…

A person with availability to watch television will get various forms of knowledge through the information provided by the television. In the article “Americans Despair Of Pop Culture” by Elizabeth Kolbert, Kolbert mentions, “Most of the parents interviewed as a follow-up to the poll said that they saw direct evidence of the connection between popular culture and behavior, noting that their children imitated behavior and language they picked up from television.” (Kolbert, 3). Little children pick up useful knowledge from television and apply it in daily life. Television acts as a form of resource that provides education to people. People being influenced by television, which is a part of pop culture gives people an advantage of having a positive effect of gaining valuable lessons from watching television. People that watch television are informed with the latest news and valuable information. In the article “Pop Culture” by Theda Skocpol, Skocpol mentions, “We are informed through the television of the …show more content…

An individual gets an advantage of social media to help them stay in touch with their friends and family. In the article “Pop Culture: We Are What We Consume” by Jim Taylor, Taylor mentions, “Social networking sites allow people to communicate and remain in contact with friends as well as meet new people.” (Taylor, 1). Pop culture gives the person’s ability to take advantage of using social networking sites to interact with their friends and family. Social media allows people to remain in contact with friends and family and allows them to communicate easily. People get to use social media as a tool to help them share their ideas and thoughts with others easily. A person will have an ability to meet new people who share same interests as them. In the article “The Effects of Popular Culture on American Society” by Kailey Murphy, Murphy mentions, “Social networking sites allow people to find others with similar interests that they can create a relationship with and get to know one another. Groups can be joined or formed to meet people with similar interests, and views.” (Murphy 2). Social media being a part of pop culture makes people to connect with new people that share similar ideas. People get to share their ideas and thoughts with

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