American Born Chinese Essay

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In the book, American Born Chinese, there are multiple plot elements. Conflict, Parallel plots, Foreshadowing, Flashback, Exposition, and Inciting incident. Three plot elements I’ve noticed in American Born Chinese is Conflict in the story about the Monkey King, Flashback in the Jin Wang’s story, and foreshadowing in Danny Lee’s story. A conflict is the part of the plot where the rising action starts and when the conflict ends the falling action begins. A flashback is a literacy device that helps us understand a character past or in this case their parents past. Foreshadowing is event in a story’s exposition that gives you an idea what will happen in the future. In the Monkey King’s story the conflict is expressed early. The conflict for the Monkey king is that he goes to …show more content…

We thing this starts the conflict but it doesn’t. When Danny’s cousin comes in the house Danny freaks and foreshadows a future conflict. A foreshadowing event is meant to give the reader an idea on how the story is going play out or what is the conflict is going to be. The reason Chin-kee is embarrassing Danny is because he is the stereotypical version of a Chinese person. Danny doesn’t like having himself and his family portrayed like that. Also, Chin-kee flirts with the girl that Danny wants to ask out, which also embarrasses Danny. “ Wha--? Confucius say, Hubba Hubba. Such pletty Amellican girl wiff bountiful Amellican bosom! Must bind feet and bear Chin-kee’s children, says Chin-kee….. Perhaps Chin-kee can find pletty Amellican girl for hisself when he attend Amellican school tomollow wiff cousin Da-nee”(pg. 51). This quote foreshadows a future conflict between Danny, Chin-kee, and their peers. There are multiple plot elements that help the story escalate and become and full story. There is more plot elements in the story but I picked the ones I saw first in each story. Now, you decide what you

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