American Beauty Obsession

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“Beauty is the highest principle and the highest aim of art.” Goethe. Once, beauty obsession starts you can’t go back. There lots of ways you can be obsessed with beauty: surgeries, anti-aging creams, hair dye, and bald remedies. Today, people can use beauty obsession it on the internet like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. American beauty obsession started early in the 20th century and there is increasing focus on the body and self-expression, with a greater recognition of the role of appearance and the desire for self-improvement. Beauty is the apparent new indicator of social worth. Once, only celebrities battled constant scrutiny. Now everyone has a public image-whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter, …show more content…

Thus, beauty is indicative of more robust genes, improving the likelihood that an individual’s offspring will survive. This evolutionary theory is supported by research showing that standards of attractiveness are often similar across a wide range of human cultures. So while humans are intrinsically invested in seeking beauty in others and appearing beautiful, how do we strike of a healthy balance in how much attention we give to our physical appearance? On a scientific level, it can be argued that there is an evolutionary reason behind our preference for attractive. Fitter, taller, stronger people have a greater chance of survival. It’s natural we are attracted to them in order to give our offspring the best chances of living and continuing the species. However, the extremes to which we have taken the idea of beauty and the exclusivity of the features which we deem beautiful today are far a cry from traits which carry inherent evolutionary benefit. Conversely, they’re having a huge and harmful effect particularly on girls and women. For the past few decades, the evolution of beauty has brought a huge metamorphosis in people’s perspective about their appearance. People are more concern about their outer beauty than anything else. This is not only limited for a women but men at this decade of century has brain washed and actively involved themselves in this culture too, which is camouflaging imperfections. In addition, in this beauty-obsessed society, there are also people who choose to go under an enthralling body

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