America Strengths And Weaknesses

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Introduction America, the land which I and many of my forefathers have called home, is a country that has many strengths, and yet which also faces many challenges. The United States of America is considered by many to be the birthplace of democracy and a beacon of freedom and prosperity. In the nearly two and a half centuries since its founding, America has given refuge to millions of immigrants, who have traveled from every region of the world to seek a better life within its borders. America is home to some of the best universities in the world, as well as some of the best conserved national parks systems. It is a place where free-thinking is encouraged, where innovation gives rise to invention, and where and people can speak their minds …show more content…

America's constitution is one of the most liberal in the world. It guarantees the right to seek opportunity by granting the American people the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is also one of the most important safeguards of freedom and measures against tyranny. The first amendment does several things: it prohibits any laws restricting the free exercise of religion, it prohibits censorship and the abridging of free speech, it disallows the interference with a free press, and it forbids the government from preventing its people from petitioning or assembling peaceably. With these rights, American citizens are free to give voice to their beliefs and exchange ideas, no matter how seditious they may seem; they are allowed to organize in protest of their government, without fear of being fined or thrown in jail; and they are allowed to participate in a free press and report information without fear of censorship. In addition, as a country founded on democratic values, Americans are guaranteed the right to elect their own representative who will stand for them in government. If they are dissatisfied with the way their elected politicians have been behaving, they may order a recall election. Americans have even used their power of impeachment to remove a president from office, showing that …show more content…

American public school systems often lag behind those of other countries in the quality and competitiveness of the educational programs they offer. America's health care system is hardly the envy of the world. And despite the incredible progress it has made since the civil rights movement of the 1960s, America still has a long way to go in resolving issues of racism, discrimination, and segregation.
America is truly a complex country. It is a country of immigrants, of thinkers and inventors, and of entrepreneurs. Yet it is also a place where many problems, such as those relating to health care, education, and equality, remain unresolved. However, America has met and dealt with many challenges before, and it is capable of doing so again. The infrastructure to facilitate necessary change is already in place. Changing America for the better starts with educating its populace. I firmly believe that Challenger School is one of America's greatest assets, which will provide its students with the tools to fix the problems born of ignorance, indifference, and greed. By fostering free thought, encouraging students to ask questions, and educating them about their constitutional rights, the young students of Challenger School will become the leaders and thinkers who improve

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