Ambition and Power as the Dominant Theme in Shakespeare’s Macbeth

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In Macbeth, the dominant theme would be ambition and power. This theme presents itself as a dangerous quality. Ambition is extremely dangerous in this play because this leads to the downfall of both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth and triggers a series of deaths. Therefore ambition and power are the driving forces of this play. Power is also the dominant theme of this play because most of the people that are in the play are power-hungry such as Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Their avidity to obtain this imperium goes to their heads and results in several deaths including their own deaths. Macbeth yearns for authority and these desires to achieve those powers, leads him down a dark and bloody path. Macbeth is willing to do anything to gain the power and becoming the king. He is willing to kill anyone who stands in his way from getting that power, which includes women and children. Macbeth’s eagerness is the reason why he is destroyed. Ambition and power are the dominant themes in Shakespeare’s Macbeth because of Macbeth’s ambition to gain power by killing Duncan, Banquo, and Macduff’s family.
Ambition and power are the dominant themes in Shakespeare’s Macbeth because of Macbeth’s ambition to reach the power by killing Duncan. This extreme urge to become the Thane of Cawdor will start when the Weird Sisters tell Macbeth that soon enough he will become the king and rule over this land. This is when Macbeth comes to realize the hidden emulation that has been trapped inside of him for so long. When Macbeth knows about this, he sends a letter to his wife about the witches’ prophecy and that he will be coming home soon just before King Duncan gets there to have dinner and stay the night. This is the moment when Lady Macbeth thinks up a plan to kill...

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... because he is afraid that he might find out about the king’s murder. Macbeth spirals out of control and is forced to kill someone once more. He has to kill Macduff and his family. Macbeth has to kill them because the witches’ prophecy states that beware Macduff. Macbeth has to kill everyone who has the family name, Macduff, so that Macduff’s son will not become the king. Again he hires more criminals to kill them all. Macduff and Malcolm team up and try to take Scotland back under Malcolm’s control. After the battle with Macbeth, Macduff rips his head off to show his success. Macduff’s ambition is that he wants the power too, but the power that helps him overcomes those who try to destroy his country. Macbeth and Macduff both want power, but for very different reasons. This dominant theme is seen in Macbeth numerous times through Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s actions.

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