Ambition And Evil In Macbeth

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Just as Aries are known as ambitious people, Macbeth’s ambition overpowers him and change him into someone he is not with the help from the three Witches and Lady Macbeth into leading him to gain greater power, attain the throne, and kill King Duncan. Macbeth seems to not realize the Witches are hurting him instead of helping him as he is so set on becoming King. When Macbeth gets informed that King Duncan has rewarded him, Thane of Cawdor, he immediately lets his temptation win, suggested by the Witches to allow his ambitious thoughts to redeem clout. As his evil thoughts begin and with the ambition to gain greater power in mind, he says to himself, "Why do I yield to that suggestion, Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair, And make my seated

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