Amanda Todd Monologue

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My tongue is swollen from every time I’ve bit it. Hoping not to insult those who never showed me the same cutesy. My eyes are bloodshot from all the slinet soft tears I’ve shed in the bathroom stall on the far left of the room. Hoping those that caused them can’t hear me, and berate me further. Each morning, I make perfect every blemish, every crack, every crevice that could possibly allow my insecurities to peak through the surface, and ooze into reality. I try to keep it together. I try to fake a smile. I try to act as though I’m not hanging on by the seams. Channelling everything I can muster, I seize the day. I wish I hadn’t go Three seconds. It takes you three seconds to tear down my walls. Three seconds reduce me to rubble beneath your …show more content…

And you never will. After numerous calculations and estimations I have come to one simple question: what makes you better, more deserving and more treasured than me? Why do I deserve the same fate as Amanda Todd, but you an array of happiness? Cool. Have it your way. have every miniature thing you hate about me, shield you from everything you obviously hate about yourself but unfortunately can never flea from. Why do we do this to each other? Back stabbing and animosity. I mean seriously…Who teaches us to hate? Who told us the definition of beauty and made it staple? So much so that everything about myself that doesn’t measure up to it is wrong in my own eyes. I use the mirror as my ally in attempting to create a master piece, because without make up I can never be one. My heart it breaks each day. Is not the most important thing my heart or my mind. And the inner workings that are entertwinded into my character and the intricate details that make up my personality. I know in time all our looks will fade and well beleft with memorises of fonder days. Fromwhen we were little and our biggest everyone was a friend. But instead I woke up this morning and checked the mirror, covered my cracks and face you all today, each of forming an opinion I might never want to

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