Reflection Paper On Facing Myself

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When facing me, what I see is what others may see - a little girl who was once beautiful, energetic and chubby, happy as can be. As I face myself, I see a girl, who is now a woman who suffered pain, rejection and hurt constantly. The innermost core of my existence was embarrassing and unsettling for me. Not facing myself was literally destroying me. One day I realized it is time for liberation and to focus on me. As I looked in the mirror I asked myself the question, are you satisfied with me? I then asked myself what it would take to be all that I was born and created to be. Is it something connected to my face that is blocking me? Is it my eyes, my lips, my nose, my smile, my color that plagues the inner me? I begin to focus on the problems that have kept me bound and I realized it’s no …show more content…

Day and night as I stare in the mirror, I will wash the dirt and release the baggage I carried in me. As I continue day and night to cleanse the diseases that interrupted my life, I can see changes occurring as I awaken my face. Connecting with my spirituality and beginning to restore the deep inner most hurts that transformed me, I started to revive and come alive, ready to overcome any challenges that will heal and deliver me. Facing myself opened my vulnerability and made it a reality. Facing myself allowed me to be honest with the person I see before me. Facing myself, facing myself oh how hard it can be. Until I began to face myself I never knew who I was born and destined to be. Look at me now beautiful, healthy and vibrant was what I started to see. Facing myself was my biggest challenge, but it was when I did I began to transcend into my destiny. I hope you’re not reading this book just because I told you to or because you know me. I hope you’re not reading this book to find out hidden secrets or to pass judgment on the information about me that’s been included in this book and the issues that have been facing

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