Amanda Todd And Anonymous Case Study

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When it comes to the case of Amanda Todd and Anonymous, the question of can this case be considered legally prosecutable under “conspiracy to commit harm, or defame” law or not can definitely be up for debate. While there are countless of prosecutors that are capable of influencing a group of individuals one way or the other on what the meaning of this law is, there are many factors in this case that may affect the ability of that law to hold up in court. From information gathered for a person to be suspected of a crime of that nature, a statement must be verbalized or transcribed. Aydin Coban the accused and now convicted person behind Amanda Todd’s suicide did meet those criteria’s to be prosecuted under conspiracy to commit harm, or defame. However, on March of …show more content…

He made fake profiles of Amanda in which he then used to contact her friend and family with malicious contain. Coban used that platform to attack Amanda’s character while spreading the explicit photos of her. Whatever reasoning behind his actions all evidence can easily show that there was “conspiracy to commit harm, or defame”. It is simply unfortunate that Amanda had to be the object of this kind of targeting which lead to her taking her own life as a means to escape the situation. In conclusion the process in which I would use to decide such a charge if it were to be taken to court, would be everything stated above. I believe Ayden Coban had no sense of regret when he was harassing this young lady. When doing this he seemed to have no remorse for his relentless attack on her character until after he was prosecuted, when he made a statement to media in regards to Amanda Todd and her death. To make matters worse it later was revealed that he had attempted to do the same thing to another Canadian

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