Alocepia Essay

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Most people appreciate their hair as the most valuable assets especially for women. However, there are so many problems related to this precious thing nowadays such as hair loss (alopecia), dandruffs and premature greying and balding. The researcher’s team headed by Professor Markus Nothen from University of Bonn and Dr. Roland Kruse from Dusseldorf University in 2005 discovered that the main cause of alocepia is hereditary factors which either because of high androgen receptor formed or variant receptor which develops as a result of genetic change. In addition according to Hoffman (2002), “The most common form of alopecia in men is believed to be due excessive activity of androgens on the scalp where the hairs become miniaturized and pigment production is stopped.” Hamilton (1951); Hoffman (2002); Price (2003); Severi et al., (2003) claimed that conversion towards more potent testosterone is due to elevation level of 5-alpha reductase lead to common baldness. For the genetically derived phenomenon, it supposed to be totally about the hereditary cause and the other exogenous factors will be excluded. However, there are also views from proponents saying that some natural food involves in solving these hair—related problems for example emblica officinalis or amla.
Wong C. (2014) stated that amla oil helps in strengthen the hair follicles and treating dry and itchy scalp due to its high content of essential fatty acids, vitamin C, flavonoids, polyphenols and other types of minerals. Besides that, the presence of vitamin C in amla gives huge benefits in medical aspects. Vitamin C is known as Ascorbic Acid, ascorbate, Absorbicap, Ascoltin, Cebione Cevalin and Hybrin was discovered in 1928 and most widely used of all vitamins. It is ...

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...rify that various types of vitamins in Amla especially vitamin B and C helps in handling stress and improve iron absorption which are very useful in hormonal balance thus aid in reverse the hair loss problems. Dani V. (2014) suggested that consuming about 2g to 5g of vitamin C daily will reverse adrenal fatigue and back to optimal health.
Besides that, vitamin C also helps in fights dandruff or some researchers and scholars claimed as seborrhoeic dermatitis. Moreover, based on the study by Ranganathan S. and Mukhopadhyay T (2010), they concluded that dandruff is considered as more towards physiological situation whereby inflammation on the scalp is reffered to seborrhoeic dermatitis. Dandruff problem is said that it is aetiologically from weak immune system and Melinda L. S. (2013) summarizes vitamin C improves in circulation system, skin health, immune system and

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