Allie Monologue

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Dressing for the masquerade ball, Allie took care not to overdress, foregoing a chemise and stockings. The oppressive heat was stifling; she did not want to fall faint and embarrass herself. It already being this hot and humid in late June, Allie hated to think what the next several months of summer would bring. Although the emerald green and indigo-blue gown she made for the occasion is of a lightweight, batiste fabric, it was still so hot that one perspired heavily upon going outdoors. Even with the cooler sea breezes, it was too hot to sit on the balcony unless it was early morning, late evening, or night time… The lamplights from anchored ships that swayed gently with the tide, calmed Allie of evenings as she sat out there watching, waiting …show more content…

Deciding to make her mask that of a peacock was mostly due to Allie’s love of the color green; however, once she acquired the peacock feathers and saw the beautiful blue eyes/spots on the feathers, she decided to go all out and make her costume that of a peacock. The body of her gown was blue- from the knees down, it was emerald green with pale green ringed blue spots sewn on. The mask was a black satin as were her slippers. The mask had peacock feather tips arranged around the eye sockets and four taller ones going upward from the bridge of the nose to mimic a peacock’s crown; Allie hoped she would be able to wear it until the revelation at the end of the …show more content…

Taking the top part of her grandmother’s gown, she cut loose the heavy bottom and quickly replaced it with material gained from her gown. She talked her grandmother into just being patient and going along with what she was doing until she saw the finished product. Foregoing all undergarments except her drawers, Allie dressed her. Searching through her grandmother’s assortment of corsets, she picked the prettiest one and loosely laced it over her quickly made gown. A feathered hat, mask, and laced booties completed the

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