Allegory Of The Cave Thesis

530 Words2 Pages

Ankit Pandey (1511662)
Essay Author: Plato
Essay Title: The Allegory of the Cave

The Allegory of the Cave was presented by the Greek philosopher Plato. In this essay, he distinguishes between the people who mistake visual knowledge for the truth and who really see the truth. In the cave in his essay, the citizen never see reality. They only see the shadows on the wall. They have never seen anything else in their life so they assume that the shadows are the reality. The purpose of education is the same. To get out of the cave and move closer to the truth than we were before.
The audience for this essay are students, parents, and teachers who seek knowledge in their daily life. It is also addressed to the people who are living in ignorance. The cave dwellers are humans before philosophy, the sun is the light of reason, the isolation of returned philosopher is what all the truth tellers can expect when they take their knowledge back to people who have not devoted themselves to thinking. And, this particular thinking can be applied to all humans as we tend not to understand the true reality of our world.
The thesis of the essay is that unless we become educated about the outside world, we are like the people chained inside the cave, …show more content…

He uses descriptive writing to help us form a visual picture of the events inside and outside the cave. Like the dark cave, the damp wall inside wall, the passing of people and animals, the sounds made by different things, the smells of objects, the bright light of sun upon the eye. As an example, he uses the story of people chained inside a cave to convey his message to his audiences. He compares the people who are known to the truth, who tore their curtains of ignorance and finally embrace the truth to the people who are still hiding behind their ignorance and are used to the fiction. Those are the people who are tied to their own unreal reality and can't face the light of

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