All Summer In A Day Jealousy Quotes

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In All Summer in a Day, by Ray Bradbury, teaches readers that jealousy can lead to bullying and people not being treated right. When Margot remembered the sun and nobody else her age did, everyone was very jealous of her.
All of Margot’s classmates were all extremely angry and jealous of her, they treated her very poorly. This was because Margot had last seen the sun at an older age than her classmates had, she was four years old, and everyone else her age was all two years old the last time they saw it and none of them had any memory of it. When she described the sun her classmates did not like that at all so they got very mean and angry, they said she was lying and didn’t remember it. A young boy in the class said it was a lie that the sun was coming out that day, Margot said it was not a lie. Then they locked her in a closet before their teacher arrived. And this was all because they were jealous, so they …show more content…

And her jealousy will be caused by theirs and how they bullied her, and made her feel horrible. She will, probably, be mean and angry towards them, this will lead to her bullying at least one of them, and making them feel the way she did. And it will be just a big circle of jealousy, bullying, and hatred, etc. All because of one little thing that someone had, and another wanted.
All Summer in a Day teaches readers that no matter how small the subject may be, jealousy can lead to bullying and people not being treated how they should. Margot got bullied because she remembered the sun and nobody else in her class did, so this made them all jealous. They locked her in a closet and made it so she couldn’t see the sun when it came out that day, all because they were jealous of something so small.Anything can happen when someone has what someone else

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