Alfie Kohn's Why Competition

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Alfie Kohn wrote, “When my success depends on other people’s failure, the prospects for a real human community are considerably diminished. . .” in his essay titled “Why competition”. People will always fail, people will always achieve, and people will always compete. It is the way everyone prospers throughout life, some live on the notion that they will eventually play in a game where they will be provided with satisfaction from winning, but the losers might face the consequences of their own and others scrutiny. I agree that Kohn has a good point but I would disagree. Winning a losing have been around since the beginning of time and will never leave our presence. Dinosaurs fought for meals, cavemen fought for mates, and we do the same …show more content…

If our population as a whole did not have the mind capability to develop a sense of those things, no one would fight over who wants the last scoop of ice cream or a certain girl from school. But that can never happen because we were put on this earth with those capabilities for a reason, to compete. It is the satisfaction of Tim scoring a goal, and over celebrating, in the last minute of a soccer game to win, or the devastation of Doug getting being scored on. Which may lead to many things like Khon’s quote “the prospects for a real human community are considerably diminished”, after Doug was scored on, he could go home and start texting Tim, calling him obscene names but the Tim brushes it off until Doug shows up to his school with friends taunting him until they fight, which they do and Tim has to be rushed to the hospital because Doug had a switch blade and severely injured Tim to the point he had to stay in the hospital for 4 months and almost died. Now Tim has terrible seizures that will never go away. Tim is my cousin, Tim as well as I will remember that day and his recovery for our whole lives. Doug never apologized for what happened that dreadful day. But throughout his recover and after, Tim learned to be patient because his recovery was so slow, never over celebrate in the

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