Margaret Mead's Perception of Success

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An Analysis of Margaret Mead’s Quote on Success Success, for the person who achieves “success” it feels amazing, for those who watch the person succeed, it could be degrading to them. Margaret Mead once made a famous quote on success basically saying that people who are successful elsewhere, such as other countries, tend to be praised more than those around you, such as people in sports competitions. Everybody wants to be successful in their lives, whether it be sports related, life related, etc. If someone is successful then that person can feel happy about their accomplishment and therefore be happier. Sometimes, when people succeed, that person may want others to recognize that accomplishment. Other times, people achieve great successes …show more content…

Ever since elementary school, there have been awards for success that are given out. Those specific awards could be reading a book, writing a paper that won at an event, winning a championship in sports, etc. Society, ever since we have been little kids, have been teaching the newer generations to strive to succeed. For, if they succeed there will be an award, just like in elementary school. For example, in the third grade, I placed first at my state swimming meet. When I got back to school my teacher applauded me on my accomplishment, gave me candy, and the principal at my school gave me a certificate of excellence. Even without knowing it, out of the kindness of their hearts, my supervisors were teaching me to be successful and try the hardest at everything that I do. Nowadays, the popular awards that honor success involve, the Purple Heart, the Medal of Honor, the Nobel Peace Prize, Rookie of the Year, Hall of Fame Nominee, Grammy’s, and many more. When people of a significant role, such as Leonardo DiCaprio winning his first Oscar, are honored with their particular success, it inspires others to achieve their own goals. People may say to themselves, “Well if that person can do it, then I can do it as well.” With this thought process this helps the public strive for success. As well as honor those who have achieved …show more content…

Margaret Mead said in her quote that people recognize other people’s success from afar, but when people succeed who are close to the people who are recognizing the people’s success from afar, don’t typically recognize those close around them, and could see those people as threats. For example, during sports competitions, such as swimming. I may look at a swimmer like Ryan Lochte and recognize his success and have tremendous respect for him. On the other hand, if there was another swimmer that I swam against, and that particular swimmer won a race, I may not recognize that he won that race, I may view him as a threat. If I do view him as a threat, I may not like him and could possibly develop hatred towards him just because he beat me. Some may be shocked at how often this happens in sports. It seems that whenever someone that you don’t particularly know makes an accomplishment, more people tend to celebrate that accomplishment. Meanwhile, if someone locally makes an accomplishment some people may be reluctant to congratulate. Perhaps, people are more likely to celebrate someone else’s accomplishment from afar because that person may know that they will never see that person in their life, which is a very real possibility. Those who succeed locally, some may not recognize, based on the fact that oneself hasn’t accomplished that particular goal, which could cause

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