Alexander The Great Thesis

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Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was an amazing warrior with numerous talents. He was a force to be reckoned with and the other armies would have a rough time trying to win over Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great was a student of Aristotle, a philosopher, which means he was intelligent enough to read. He read Homer’s iliad when inspired him to to become a fighter. Alexander became the king at 20 years after his father, Philip ||, died. Alexander the Great was pushed aside and not very many people had faith in him, but quickly Alexander proved them wrong and gained their trust. A large portion of people focus on what Alexander the Great did as the king and how he fought in the wars, while others focus on how he impacted greek …show more content…

Alexander the Great was a student of Aristotle, a philosopher, which means he was intelligent enough to read. Alexander the Great impacted greek culture in numerous amounts of ways, from making the arming strong to spreading the greek language and even help with the finding of Alexandria. The armies that Alexander the Great built up strengthen the defense of the greeks. Alexander the Great was involved in war a lot and he wouldn’t give up until he made sure that his people were safe. Even though Alexander the Great wanted to conquer more cities, he knew that his troops were drained. The greek language was a way for other people that speak a different language to understand the other person and help with the flow of trade. Alexander the Great helped with the finding of Alexandria which that influenced more of greek culture because it’s a main center for shipping. Alexandria was a global city which means that people from around the world went there for knowledge, since people were going there it brought attention to the greeks which lead to more people wanting to be allies with the greeks. Alexandria was the key to a new world of knowledge that Alexander the Great founded and it helped ship in and out trade items. Alexander the Great was an inspirational person and we will all remember

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