Alexander The Great Essay

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Alexander the Great is the Greatest
Throughout history, many great empires have risen up and gained extraordinary amounts of power. These empires gain power through the expansion and the conquest of land and expanding territory. However, in history, it is clear that not all great empires last. The Persian Empire is one of the great empires, which rise to power and then decline gradually over time. The Persian Empire fell due to a number of reasons such as bad leadership and poor military tactics; however, the drastic one of all was caused by one man, Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia and the Greek army after his father Philip II died. His accomplishments at such a young age sets him apart from every other king …show more content…

He was able to take down the Persian Empire due to his determination, great leadership, and battle tactics in three decisive battles. The way he was able to do this only reflects on how much of an incredible king and military leader he was. In the Battle of Granicus River, he was able to show determination in defeating the Persian army by doing whatever it took to gain an advantage on the enemy, as well as, fight through whatever obstacles came his way. The Battle of Issus showed his great leadership by taking it upon himself to personally lead his army into battle and go after the king of Persia himself, knowing that he would be risking his own life in the process. Lastly, the Battle of Gaugamela proves that he is not only a great leader, but also a very intelligent one because of his quick thinking on the battlefield. It is difficult to be able to think and decisively plan everything in the face of pressure and Alexander did it with ease. He was able to come up with plans that would help lead his army to victory, showing each and every time that he was capable of accomplishing anything. Being able to take down the Persian Empire at such a young age is no easy feat, yet he was able to do this because of who he is. Someone cannot just be a great military leader by having a strong vast army. A great leader must be able to lead the vast army effectively and without hesitation. Alexander proved that he could lead the army handed to him by his father in every one of the battles he has fought, as well as showing in each one a different aspect as to why he was able to do so. All three of of these battles each showed a different, yet amazing aspect of Alexander the Great that proves as to why he is the greatest leader in history. His greatness in battle is the reason he got the nickname Alexander the

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