Alexander Hamilton's Personality

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Candid (adj): to willingly and plainly share what one feels or thinks; to wear their mind on their sleeve; a sense of openness and outspokenness that stresses a lack of shyness or secretiveness. As captured by Lin Manuel Miranda in the titular musical, Alexander Hamilton is an epitome of candidness. His ability to campaign an opinion strong enough to suaded American Politics has suaded American History. Act 1, Scene 1. Enter Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton was born in the Caribbean around the year 1756, give or take a year. Hamilton’s family photo fell apart quickly--his father abandoned the family early on, his mother fell ill and died, his elder cousin committed suicide. The now orphaned born-out-of-wedlock child was not deterred from these …show more content…

Hamilton became an active advocate for the Patriots amongst the city of New York. Unlike other founding fathers, Hamilton was never afraid to share his opinion. One of Hamilton’s greatest rivals, Bishop Samuel Seabury, penned a series of letters under the disguise as an ordinary farmer. At age twenty, Hamilton refuted each of Seabury’s hard-headed Loyalist claims about Congress with his own open letter …show more content…

The plan was a series of essays to support the ratification of the Constitution. The plan was to evenly write twenty-five essays to continue to defend the Constitution, with each man authoring about nine letters. In reality, eighty-five essays were written amongst the men--John Jay wrote five letters, Jame Madison wrote twenty-nine letters, and Alexander Hamilton wrote the other fifty-one. The breadth of Hamilton’s writing started with dangers of the hostilities between states and reached as the judiciary branch at large. Determined to influence the public, Hamilton wore his mind on his sleeve, prepared to share with anyone who would listen--from the average ranch hand born in the state of to those who would impact the decision made for the

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