Aldrich Ames: Case Study Counterintelligence And Consequences Of American Intelligence

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The case study counterintelligence operation that I will be using is that of Aldrich Ames. During his time with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) he compromised hundreds of operations and passed top secret and other sensitive information to the KGB and the Russian, SVR. Because of this, it resulted in the deaths of numerous people because he exposed their true identities. The majority of US spies were compromises, and the U.S. essentially had to start over their network because of Ames in the Soviet Union.

Aldrich Hazen Ames was born in River Falls, Wisconsin on May 26, 1941. He was the oldest of the three children. In 1962, Ames joined the C.I.A., where his father worked as an analyst as well. Ames was first marriage …show more content…

Ames from a young age had shown some of these signs. The first being that "In his entrance-on-duty polygraph examination in March 1962, Ames admitted that in November 1961 he and a friend, while inebriated, had "borrowed" a delivery bicycle from a local liquor store, were picked up by the police, and subsequently released with a reprimand. In April 1962, he was arrested for intoxication in the District of Columbia."( In 1965 he was arresting for speeding and reckless driving. From a young age, alcohol abuse indicted a security risk even if it was minor. People who are alcohol dependent, can usually function at work, but their home life and quality of work suffers. For Ames, his uncontrolled behavior while under the influence of alcohol was, at least in retrospect, a clear indication of potential security problems." …show more content…

The CIA and FBI created a task force that sifted through a lot of information. After ruling out other people, these agents began to monitor Ames every moment, without alerting him. The operation was a success overall because they caught Aldrich Ames. Ames confessed to everything as well later on. However, there were many failures along the way as well. The first being that many agents were killed because of Ames leaking there true identity. The second is that many sensitive information has been leaked for years. The third is Ames committed a lot of violations in handling classified information, but was never properly punished. What if the CIA made Ames attend alcoholic anonymous meetings? Could this have prevented him from committing espionage? The CIA and FBI can only learn from this investigation, trying to prevent another case like this from occurring

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