Alcoholism In Society

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While a functioning alcoholic may feel like their addiction is not a problem, they often are unaware of how alcohol affects their life. From long-term health problems to issues at home, alcoholism can cause severe repercussions in the individual's life. The only way to prevent these problems from happening is to get treatment and stay sober.

The Kinds of Alcoholics

In a 2007 study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), researchers found that there were several types of alcoholics. Functional alcoholics represented 31.5 percent of the total. The other types include young antisocial, intermediate familial, chronic severe and young adult.

Some researchers estimate that the majority of people with alcoholism classify themselves as a functioning alcoholic. These individuals are often able to succeed in their lives and may be in denial about their addiction.

The Signs of a …show more content…

The individual, their co-workers and their loved ones may be in denial. The individual cannot view their drinking as an addiction because they do not fit the stereotype. Because of this, they may avoid getting help.

Other than being in denial, this type of individual may be respected in their field. They have a kind of double life where they seem to manage their professional life well, but drink secretly at home. They compartmentalize different parts of their life. When this type of person hits rock bottom, they may be unable to recognize it.

They may try to rationalize their drinking by saying that they only drink at the bar or at a specific time. This helps the individual feel like they have control over their drinking. They may ask friends to cover for them or isolate themselves for drinking. In addition, they may break personal or professional commitments because of hangovers or drinking sessions.

Why Is Treatment

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