Compare And Contrast The Fundamental Orders Of Government Of Pennsylvania

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Based on the Mayflower Compact (Nov 11, 1620), Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (Jan 14, 1639), Ordinances for Virginia (Nov 28, 1618/Jul 24, 1621), and the Frame of Government of Pennsylvania (Apr 25, 1682), the colonists from each of the different colonies all had some primary laws. However, when I compare these individual colonies and their laws, values, and goals, I recognize that they are not all exactly the same. On the contrary, all of the documents do contain some similarities. First of all, each of the different colonies’ founders all expressed sentiments to establish a solid and uncorrupt government. One that would honor God. This government would be made up of a Governor, and a general Assembly and/or provincial Council where most political and judicial decisions would be made and agreed on together. In the Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and the Frame of Government of Pennsylvania, men were given the right to vote and choose the officials and representatives who would have a place in the government. These first colonies also promised the people that justice would be restored, it would not be sold, or withheld. …show more content…

Men who “would not live comfortable to the holy law within, should fall under the reproof and correction of the just law without, in a judicial administration.” William Penn therefore was convinced that men should be ruled by a righteous and god-fearing

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