Alan Turing's Theory Of Homosexuality

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Alan Turing was a computer scientist and a pioneer in computer science. Turing, along with Alonzo Church, developed a central hypothesis of binary computing machinery applicability. During World War II, he developed a machine that helped break the German Enigma code. He also laid the groundwork for modern computing and theorized about artificial intelligence. However, until recently, it was not well-known that Turing committed suicide. During his lifetime, it was uncommon for any person to live openly as a homosexual. Yet Turing did live as an openly gay man during a time when homosexual acts were illegal in Britain, Turing committed suicide after begin convicted of "gross indecency" and sentenced to a procedure some call "chemical castration." He has since become a martyred hero of the gay community. In late 2013, nearly 60 years after his death, Queen Elizabeth II formally pardoned him. …show more content…

He created a test to address this question. Turing proposed that if a computing machine acted, reacted and interacted like a sentient being, then it was sentient. One of the first Turing tests consists of the following steps. An interrogator asks questions of another person and a computer. The questioner then must distinguish between the human and the computer based on their replies to his questions. If the computer can "fool" the interrogator, it is intelligent. Today, the Turing Test is at the heart of discussions about artificial

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