Aggressiv Aggression Cues

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The different levels of aggression in a certain situation is based on the person maturity in my case. Certain individuals will be more mature in a situation and in other situations that may break them to a point of no return may act out in a way that may even be new to them. For example, A person may threaten to do something to the certain individual, but say that person was to threaten someone they love, maybe his/her mother, that person would probably be filled up with rage at the thought of that person hurting his/her mother. The state of your environment can affect the way you handle your aggression. Negative arousal is a way of getting into one’s mind. Once in the mind it uses probably the worst possible thought you have of the situation and because of that it will give a likely chance of an aggressive action. …show more content…

Meaning it is part of our nature due to the activities we do daily. The book used certain examples to explain these cues by saying “hunters displayed a more pronounced “weapons effect”” (93). Meaning their reacted way faster to aggressive words due to their instincts in hunting. By doing these types of research they found out that the situational cue is based on a person’s past behavioral experience. Then while reading this passage if they were talking about hunters imagine what how the kid’s aggression cues will be developed. You see how kids today at a young age play more violent games such as Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, or even Grand Theft Auto all contribute to showing aggression one way or another. Kids growing up in that state of mind will be more prone to having aggressive

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