Agents of socialisation

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Socialization— according to Business Dictionary, socialization is the process where knowledge, language, social skills, and value are acquired by individuals to conform to the norms and roles required for integration into a group or community. Socialization is a combination of both self-imposed (because the individual wants to conform) and externally-imposed rules, and the expectations of the others. Now, what are agents of socialization? Agents of socialization are the individuals, groups and experiences that affect one’s behavior and the development of the person in the society. Agents of socialization are important for us as it helps in the socialization process. One of the vital agents is mass media. The mass media are the means of delivering impersonal communications to the public or vast audience. The term media comes from Latin word which means “middle”, suggesting that the media connect the people especially in the communications. The mass media include television, radio, movies, videos, CDs, audio tapes, the Internet, newspapers, magazines and books. The fastest growing medium is the Internet. The invention of Internet lets the consumers to be able to look for the informations or for entertainment such as academic journals, books, online games, music and others. According to “Internet Usage Statistic” (2005), the number of Internet users started from 40 million in 1995 to 28 million in 2000 and later increase into a dramatic 800 million plus in 2005 worldwide. The Internet is as a social system. (Eighmey and McCord, 1998). As we all know, internet is mainly used for social learning, engaging in social relationship, starting and maintaining communication and encouraging a sense of belonging through the... ... middle of paper ... ..., ourselves should take the initiative to avoid from following the cons. Parents should be in charged to mentor their own children the true way to follow the proper track when taking and searching for informations from the mass media as some might be fake or misleading. Besides, parents should encourage their children to socialize face-to-face more often than just socializing through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Wechat and others. Not only will their children learn the way of life but at the same time, they will learn that to socialize with others is much important when it comes to living in the real world. After all, life is never on the net though it may seem like it. Always remember, as said by Warren Farrell, socialization gives us the tool to fill our evolutionary roles. They are our building blocks. So, do well in socializing. Think before you act.

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