Ageing Health And The Quality Of Care Essay

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1. Executive summary

Improved living conditions and healthier lifestyles and progress in medical causes increase in population size and consequently increases the number of older people. In some countries, increase in the number of older people and reduced facilities to cater for them in hospitals forces them to be cared for in their own homes or in some special accommodations. This often means that the community care services are responsible for many people with various complex diseases. These older people depend on advanced nursing care and help in their day to day living. In recent decades, a great deal of research has been carried out focusing on elderly people’s health and care and great diversity of health problems of older people has been found (Borglin, 2005). It has also been established that older people care can be both good and bad according to Haak (2006). Since care should be based on the needs and problems of the patient, for one to provide high quality care to the older people, he/she should be know how older people dependent on such care, describe their experiences of health and ill health and good and bad care. This paper focuses on ageing, health and well-being, factors which improve health and the quality of care given to the older dependent people.
2. Ageing
Ageing refers to a series of events consisting of transformations, where every such transformation is a collective change of previous conditions. These changes affect the older people psychologically, biologically and socially. Psychological ageing is generally concerned with older people’s capability to become accustomed to physical and emotional stress. Social ageing is involved with changing responsibilities in society and older people’s ability to c...

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...that good care could only be realized when the caregivers provided safe and secure care. This meant that they had adequate competence and skills within older people’s care, enough time to carry out their duties thoroughly, and continuity in their time-schedule. Many previous studies have already stressed the utmost importance of caregivers’ competence and attitudes to achievement of high quality in older people’s care. Notable in our study was the great impact that the caregivers also had on the older people’s experience of health and well-being, which has not been found in other studies on older people’s care. The effect of positive or negative responses on people’s self-esteem and motivation is already well-known both from theories in nursing but our study highlighted that this theoretical knowledge should also be taken into account in the care of older people.

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