Age Of Responsibility Essay

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Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, once said, “Maturity doesn’t come with age; it comes with acceptance of responsibility.” Analyzing his statement, we have to take into consideration, what defines an adult? The age of responsibility, for a long time, have been a very controversial and contradicting topic. Although there is a big debate on what the age of responsibility should be, I believe people should be considered responsible at the age of twenty or older. This is because they have more real world experience, their brain is closer to being fully developed, and they have a bigger sense of who they are.
Whether a person can be considered an adult can vary from person to person. This all depends on a person’s state of mind and ability to handle responsibility. Experiences are what mature people, and some go through more than others; therefore, the right age is uncertain. An appropriate age to consider a person an adult is probably twenty or older. At around this age, most people are out of high school and moving out of their parents’ house,
However, being a legal adult doesn’t always go hand in hand with responsibility. Alan Greenblatt, the author of What is the Age of Responsibility, notices a “delayed adulthood,” by pointing out a few reasonable facts (9). One of them being that teens are becoming more dependent on their parents. “Plenty of college grads and dropouts had ‘boomeranged’ back to Mom and Dad’s house,” (9). Therefore, it is inaccurate to claim that an eighteen-year-old might have their whole life planned. This is due to the fact that they might just be fresh out of high school and barely figuring out who they are. However, at the age of twenty the decisions one makes impacts the rest of their life. Therefore, this is the stage in one's life where they get to make their own choices, and become their own person. So to say, they are not a teen anymore, this marks the beginning of

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