Age Discrimination In Employment Act Of 1967

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Age discrimination can be considered as an act of treating someone, especially a job applicant or an employee less favorable simply because of their age. Because of this act of discrimination in and around businesses, the US legislature came out with a law known as Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), aiming at protecting people from discrimination in the labor force simply because of their age . According to Lau, T. & Johnson, L. (2011), Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 is a “federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, protecting workers over the age of forty”. This paper described fully whether is it ever appropriate to discriminate based on age. …show more content…

In business setting, the output should be the primary concern of any entrepreneur, investor or an employer. Therefore employers must care more about the contribution each employee can put forward into the business. If older employees are lacking the needed skills, why go for them when younger guys are out there with what the business demand? On the other hand, if the business needs people with experience and it cannot find this in younger people, should the business go ahead and employs young people? Absolutely not, these two illustrations demonstrated that age should never be a factor in the workplace because a certain age group can never offer every need of an organization. Instead, the productivity of individuals should be the focus as long as employment is concerned. Employers must not care only about what the law says, but must be cautious about the wellbeing of the …show more content…

The older worker has the working experience but lacks the needed advanced technological skills. The younger worker is not as experience as the older employee but has the qualified technological skills. In this case, the employer weighed the position and found that the technological skill is highly required. Age discrimination should therefore be accepted here because the older employee does not have what the position demand most. The decision to give the position to the younger employee can be justified, leaving the older employee to accept the reality. If the older employee files for claim in this situation, he will definitely not succeed because it is very clear that he did not have the most demanding requirement of the

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