Advertising, Economic Characteristics, Role, And Economic Roles In Advertising

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Advertising is a major marketing tools that encourage and persuade consumers to react or take action towards the situation. There are five roles in advertising, Economic Roles, Societal Roles, Communication Roles, Marketing Roles and Political Roles.
Economic roles in advertising helps to create wealth to the country. Advertising brings profit to trading companies. It creates jobs. The societal roles involves serving the public. It helps to alert the public about things happen around them such as explain disease such as SARs, HIV through advertisement. It can also be used to alert people about vacant jobs. It helps to promotes good lifestyle and preservation of the environment. In communication roles advertising act as informer. It advises people about new products and services in town. It informs the people about entertainment. Example such as a new movie in cinemas, concerts etc. In marketing role, advertising helps seller and buyers to meet. It highlights the benefits of products and services. It helps the companies to convince people and therefore the companies able to reach their target audience. Lastly, the political roles. Democracy is the rule of the people by the people. Advertising is widely used during the elections by the competing political party. It helps to influence and convince the people to make a right choice for their country.
Through creativity, research and budget, advertisers and advertising agencies and choose different kind of medium to reach their target market. The mediums are divided into two categories; the traditional media and the new media. Every medium have their own style and uniqueness in reaching out the audience, readers, viewers and listeners.
There are very fe...

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...ies, allow customers to praise or condemn your company based on their personal experiences. Thus, the Internet ties the customer service component directly to advertising.
The Internet is likely to continue to play a large role in individuals' lives in the foreseeable future. Whether personal computers remain the dominant method of accessing the Internet, some form of global communication network will likely be a reality for many generations, creating effective avenues of sending advertising messages to consumers in the community and around the world.


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