Advertisement For The Hyundai Car Finder

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This report analyses a 60-second American online video advertisement for the Hyundai Car finder ' First Date ' advertisement in 2016. According to USA Today, this advertisement made a Super Bowl commercials in 2016. (Woodyard, USA TODAY 2016). The report contains a description of the advertisement, an evaluation of creativity, predictions about consumer responses and a recommendation for the agency. Creativity is assessed by examining two Divergence Measure dimensions in the Creativity in Advertising Model developed by Smith, Yang, Bucholz and Darley (2007). Consumer responses to the creativity of the ad are predicted by using two stages from the Hierarchy of Effects Model by Smith, Chen & Yang(2008). Hyundai, one of the important vehicle manufacturers in the South Korea, employs about 75,000 people and has access to 193 countries through 5,000 dealerships. (Hyundai 2015)

Advertisement Description
The advertisement is for the car finder of Hyundai Genesis for the American Market in 2016. The advertisement opens with a boy pressing the bell of a teenage daughter 's home to want to have a date with her. Suddenly, the girl 's father appears from the back of door with a sly grin and asks boy "Do you want to take my new car ?" The boy ignorantly takes the key and innocently thanks to girls ' father. After these two teenagers leaving, the scene features the Car finder on the i-watch of girl 's father. Next, the scene shifts to a cinema, where the two teenagers embrace each other and the daughter 's father sitting behind them. However, the boy sheepishly retracts his hand after finding daughter 's father staring at him and making aloud voice by soaking cock. Later, the boy wins the game in the amusement park and the daug...

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...el: Originality and Elaboration. Furthermore, it is estimated that target-consumers will clearly resonate with the advertisement in terms of Brand Awareness and Brand Liking stages of the Hierarchy of Effect Model. The creative storytelling that a overprotective father snoop around his daughter 's date achieves comedy purposes. This advertisement thoroughly illustrates the fantastic capability of the Car Finder in Hyundai Genesis and it is advisable that this advertisement wins the USA TODAY 's Super Bowl in 2016. To optimize this advertisement, it is reasonable that the characters reflect the multicultural American society. The actors and actresses in the advertisement are almost exclusively afro-American, with only brief appearance by Caucasian in the amusement park. This minor change will create a more socially inclusive company inclusive company image of Hyundai.

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