Advantages And Disadvantages Of Charles Town

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Why was Charles town so difficult to settle ?
Have you ever moved to a unknown place where you have no idea what's coming to you where you don't know anything.Well some settlers from England and /or Europe wanted to go to a different land, location, or place. The word settle means to come to a place and stay there and start from the bottom and make a home, building, and place to make a living . The settlers came to the new world for many reason but geographic, resources, and disease made it difficult to settle so the settlers worked hard and get into fights with the natives but then the settler lived peacefully.
Charles town was difficult because of geographic according to the map on Doc.A were soil,land and water. “It is remarkable for the diversity of is soil. This phrase described the beauty of South Carolina. The water became both advantage and a disadvantage to the europeans because they could travel and grow crops with the water. It was a disadvantage because the water could over flood destroying the crops and buildings. Some of the problems that the europeans faced was that they were surrounded by rivers and water. Climate and weather made it hard to travel . The map they had was not trustworthy because they did not know how the land really looked .Those in which were some …show more content…

“A great cloud seems at present to hang over this province.” This means that a bad cloud which was the disease that was spreading. The disease that Charleston had was called Smallpox. The impact that Smallpox had in the developing on the colony is that many people die of the Smallpox . Which hurt the town's economy because the Smallpox killed so many people that many business went down. If the business went down then the jobs were lost and if there was no jobs no money. If there was no money then people could not buy food which meant that people died. If people died then the population

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