Adriana Granado Martinez

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Adriana Granado Martinez Conquering Salvation "To be delegated into the HSF Alumni Hall of Fame would be an honor any reasonable person would appreciate. As for me, it is more than the dignity it carries or even the reputation the award it might give off. It is about the responsibility I now carry for my fellow descendants, to give them the dream to pursue their lives and live up to the confrontations of life." These few sentences were said by Adriana Granado Martinez. The 2046 nominee. Just yesterday Ms. Martinez was inducted into the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Alumni Hall of Fame. After extreme considerations, the results soon came into the hands of the public. Martinez was proposed the offer. With a warm smile, she cordially accepted this award. After been given the honors, Martinez gave a brief but sentimental speech. Adriana was your typical Hispanic child for …show more content…

Only months after her father's deportation, her mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer. Throughout these times she was obligated to watch over for her family as she promised her father before his departure. Not only having the accountability of her family, she was fully committed to her schooling. One moving comment Martinez specified in her speech was, - "My father was a proud Mexican. I am a proud Hispanic. My duty as a young Hispanic woman was to succeed above all. This was my goal, but my father’s as well. I made him two promises before he left us. One- Take care of my family, and Two- Finish school and become the best I can and will ever be." We were all moved by this allegation. Adriana pursued her schooling. Admitting she was not the top student, she did her finest work regardless. At the age of 16, she was diagnosed with Major Depression and acute Bipolar Disorder. Throughout having these issues, such as having her father absent and mother always in need, she did not back down from her

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