Adolf Hitler's Impact

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Adolf Hitler unveiled himself to the German civilians in a time of need. The impact of World War One was greater than just destructive damage. With no respect in regards to their government, the citizens of Germany wanted someone to turn towards, someone they could put confidence in, an individual they could respect. Adolf Hitler began his political career in 1919 as an army political agent. By 1920 he was heading up the German Worker’s Party’s propaganda which soon became the National-sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; better known as the Nazi Party. Not even a year later, Adolf Hitler had gained a pivotal position of the chancellor in Reichstag. The role of a chancellor allowed him more access and allowed him to gradually change the government from a democracy to a dictatorship. …show more content…

He expressed to the middle class he could defend them from the effects of Communism and guide them to restore law and order. To the upper class, Hitler guaranteed a strong comeback from World War One and the Treaty of Versailles, along with a powerful government to lead Germany. Hitler spoke of standards and family to appeal to women. He guaranteed growth in price of items concerning farming and land where the countryside workers made an honest living. Adolf Hitler also guaranteed a postponement of trade unions, and to the working class he guaranteed secure employment and security. Hitler made himself attractive to all types of people and he was very aware of how long to hold conversations with them, so that they would follow his lead. With all the positives imagery Hitler pointed out, people joined the Nazi party without any interest for the hatred of Jews. The hatred of Jews was forever a key player in the Nazi party, but as they were making an effort to attract more followers the Nazis shaped their strong dislike for the Jewish a bit more

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