Administrative Support Failure

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The Administrative support is totally lacking with the staff and clients. It has failed in its responsibilities of record keeping by using different storage facilities within disposal, improper handling of confidential matters for employees and staff. For instance, often times, employees are given forms to update their information whereas, employees turn in their updates of information through the administrative manager any time there is a change on personal information on the ground the updated ones from the staff are not found. The indication of this is that administrative support is not there with the administration in keeping confidential document since there is possibility of social security number, date of birth, medical or credit information may be stolen. A failure in administrative support has shown paperwork including medication order, has missed on transit to the corporate office letting loose of confidential information from the residential homes due to the traditional way of keeping records. Staffs have been invited to the office to the office to redo the paper work or do corrections, which failure to attend end would deny the pay check for that period until the paper work is updated. Information is not properly relayed from the office to the residential homes. For instance, staffs are always embarrassed when state inspectors pay visit at the residential homes for auditing, or maintenance crews scheduled to fix things deficiencies without …show more content…

The failure on the side of the HR is the failure of the entire organization because of their role as human manager. The employees in the healthcare certain know their right and limitations in their functional role and actually know when such rights are infringed by the facility. Being on the defensive by these workers, result to the consequences of the employees revolting in the form of refusal to put in their time for the facility when

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