Understanding and Addressing ADHD in Children

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The Science, Diagnosing, and Treatment of ADHD in Children If one notices a loved one, such as a child, has been having a hard time paying attention or is a big ball of energy, it is possible that he or she suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD (Helpguide.org, n.d.). However, before jumping to this conclusion, it is important that one sees a doctor in order to be given a proper diagnosis. It is possible that “other medical conditions—or even normal childhood behavior—can be mistaken for ADD/ADHD symptoms (Helpguide.org, n.d.).” One of the ways that ADHD can be treated is through medication. In order to know for sure whether or not someone with ADHD is in need of medication, it is important to see a doctor or psychologist first (Helpguide.org, n.d.). While being put on medication may help relieve one’s symptoms, it is not going to be a magic pill that changes one overnight. It is a process of finding the right one and dosage amount …show more content…

Many children could be diagnosed with ADHD, but all are different in their attitudes and behaviors they perform due to ADHD. Some may have a hard time sitting still while others have a hard time paying attention. Others may show both of these behaviors. So, how are these individuals each diagnosed with ADHD, yet act so differently (Brush, n.d.)? The first type of ADHD is ADHD-Primarily Hyperactive and Impulsive (ADHD-HI) (Brush, n.d.). People with ADHD-HI are easier to recognize as having ADHD compared to those with other forms of ADHD. “They often describe themselves as feeling ‘driven by a motor.’” Due to this motor-driven feeling, they have a hard time functioning at school (Brush,

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