Acupuncture Case Study

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If I had never been injured, I wouldn 't have found acupuncture. It seems to me that a lot of people that I 've talked to in holistic healthcare have incidents paralleling my own that influenced their decision to become healers. There was a common theme within my former occupation; there was no question about if a person was going to have a major injury, the uncertainty was when and how bad it was going to be. Seldom did I consider how to apply being injured as a motivation to change my direction if life. For the last 20 years I 've been put myself in roles where I have the responsibility of helping people on a daily basis, it gives me a scene of purpose on which I thrive. In December 2014 I retired from the military after 24 honorable years …show more content…

After much disappointment about not receiving pain relief, I found began to research alternative health care options. Prescription medication has always been an option for temporary relief of pain, however; I preferred to fix my problems vice masking the symptoms. During one of my chiropractic appointments, I asked if he could recommend an acupuncturist, to my surprises he had had owned an acupuncture practice for 15 years before moving to Virginia Beach. He agreed to give me my first acupuncture treatment, following that we had several long discussions about his practice, schools, care options and many other things. Our conversations brought to light that ALT MED was something that I had the capacity for, would excel at, and would provide me a way to continue to help people post-military retirement. Since acupuncture isn 't mainstream healthcare provided to military personnel I consider myself fortunate to have first-hand experience with it. My experiences with acupuncturists have been extremely positive. After just two treatments, I noticed significant amounts of pain relief. In July, I experienced Japanese acupuncture as a treatment for a whiplash …show more content…

It 's important to understand how to be productive within the constraints of tight timelines while juggling multiple responsibilities including prioritizing workload and family life. Maintaining a balance in chaotic environments is something that I 'm extremely proud of being able to do. Selecting acupuncture as a follow-on career required looking at a lot of different angles; how much would it cost, how long to meet my goals, was it something I knew that I would enjoy, did I see it as a long-term occupation since the commitment to school would be so great. Established that I wanted to make a major career change was far easier that figuring out where I wanted to go. There was a lot of information online about schools, but I used the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) website to figure out what locations I would be happy attending school at and it gave me an overview of what was offered and where. When I had compiled enough information able to ask intelligent, well thought out questions I cold called several schools to further understand would require of me and what I required in a

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