Acts Of Kindness Definition

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Small acts of kindness can really influence someone else's life. For example, I was once on a toll bridge and the person in front of us paid our toll for us, so we paid the toll for the car behind us. That could really help out someone who did not have enough change scraped together to pay the toll. Small acts of kindness can influence someone else's life by changing their perspectives, turning their day around if they're having a bad day, and make others want to be kinder to each other. Little by little we can spread kindness throughout the world.

Small acts kindness can change someone's perspective. By changing someone's perspective I mean, making them see that strangers aren’t so bad. For example someone may be having a bad day and they just want to go to McDonald’s, get their food, and go home. Then someone buys your food for you anonymously and that can really make your day. You may not think five dollars for a meal can change someone's perspective on others, but it can. …show more content…

For example say you're walking in the halls trying to avoid everyone then you slip and drop all your stuff. Say someone picks up all your stuff and gives it to you, that can really turn someone's day around. Maybe you see someone in public with little tear drops rolling down their face. Maybe just listening to what has them blue can change their day. Picking up a book or asking someone what’s wrong and make their day go from horrible to not so bad after

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