Acids And Effects Of The Acid And The Digestive System

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Originally, concepts of acidity came from the ancient Greeks who said that sour tasting substances were oxein, later mutated into the word vinegar acetum which became to “acid”. These substances were eventually found out not only to define sour things, but also be able to change litmus paper and corrode metals. On the contrary, bases were defined and studied by their ability to counteract acids and followed behind chemical characterizations of acids. The more rigid term called alkaline is from an Arabic root word roasting because the first bases were from the soap making substances which were obtained from roasting ashes then treating them with water and slaked lime.
Though people might not realize, acids and bases are everywhere around them and are used/consumed almost daily. There are many dangerous acids but on the contrary, there are good ones like our digestive system. IN this project, I will examine the acids in our digestive system and the effects of them
What is the digestive system? The digestive system is a group of organs working together in order to change food into energy and nutrients for your body to use. But how do acid and the digestive system relate each other? As soon you start eating, your body produces strong gastric acid called HCl (hydrochloric acid) to begin the steps of stomach digestion. In this process, foods are broken down t small particles of nutrients and other substances which would be absorbed through your intestine into your bloodstream. On normal basis, your body creates the right amount of HCl enough for digestion. However, under conditions, the body might produce extra gastric acid which leads to medication or the change of your diet.
Hcl, or hydrochloric acid, is an acid that is made when in...

... middle of paper ... together to break down the molecules. As for the experiment, since my subject was about the human body, I had fewer possibilities to check it out myself. However, I think that I may be possible if I were to test the acid HCl on different components such as food and bacteria to see if my results are similar to what I researched through internet and books with my own eyes.
In conclusion, I have learnt the acid in our digestive system and how it helps towards digestion and our other body system without damaging them. Moreover, I was able to figure the components of the gastric juice (HCl) I was also able to see the positives and negative effects towards us and the prevention of it. In my opinion, to make this research better, I would like to experiment and see the acidity of the gastric juice and to later on do more research with more knowledge about this topic.

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