Academic Entitlement Paper

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Incivility seems to stem from the bigger problem of Academic Entitlement (AE) in the Millenial Students. “Academic Entitlement (AE), defined as the expectation that one should receive positive academic outcomes, often independent of performance (Kopp & Finney, 2013, p. 322).” Tasks that should be expected of the student: attending classes, submitting the required assessments, paying tuition, and registering for classes on time are viewed as rights and not requirements by the entitled students. “It follows logically that AE may lead to student incivility. Entitled students feel they deserve positive outcomes without needing to reciprocate; university faculty and staff exist to serve them (Kopp & J., 2013, p. 323).” Academic Entitlement (AE) …show more content…

They want to demand services, extended deadlines, and other specialized accomodations. This is because of an entitlist consumerist viewpoint. In a study completed by David S. Fullerton (2009), three first year university seminar classes in which all students wanted to be seen as customers or consumers of education were studied. They thought because they were paying for their education they should be able to decided when and what time to attend classes and when they should leave. “Key items that students felt that they “deserved” from their professors focused on “clear expectations,” “fair treatment,” and “empathy for personal situations that might impact [student] classroom performance (Fullerton, 2013, p. 34).” The college students want the degrees without the work simply because they are paying tution. If the requirements are not present the students will have nothing to work towards in terms of a goal. The students have come up with “ ‘the art of college management’, in which success is achieved primarily not through hard work but through ‘controlling college by shaping schedules, taming professors and limiting workload (Arum & Roksa, 2011, p. 4).” These behaivors are products of years of the students being told that

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