Abstinence Should Be Banned

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I found This article to be interesting because it discuss the importance of Abstinence, and how coitus is more than just vaginal sexual intercourse; it also includes, kissing, anal, oral and the use of sexual toys. Numerous individuals may think using a condom is 100% safe, but it is not. Condoms will protect individuals against certain STI’s; however, not thoroughly against infections such as AIDs, Genital warts and syphilis. Personally, I do not believe in premarital sex; however, not everyone feel the same way. In that case, I believe that public awareness and education should start at an early age, so that teens and adult will be aware about the aftermath of what they are getting into considering not every STI’s are treatable. A few individual may view anal intercourse as being safer than vaginal intercourse due to the fact that they cannot get pregnant. However, individual who practice anal intercourse are more at risk to catch an STD than those who practice vaginal intercourse. This article discusses the importance of condom and the use of lubricant if an individual chooses to practice anal intercourse and how to properly do it. …show more content…

Murder is illegal, being that the child is not born yet does not mean it is not alive, even though it needs the mother’s assistance to breathe and eat, it is still a living and breathing human being, killing it, is taking its right to be someone one day. The 14th Amendment was designed to protect classes of people like the unborn, so killing an innocent, helpless human is a crime. I understand that numerous individual may have been raped; however, there is always a better choice than abortion, which is adoption. There are numerous individual that wish they could conceive a child while others are killing them. While others may not agree with this article, in my opinion, I also believe abortion should be

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