Persuasive Essay On Abortion

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Giving birth is often looked upon as a miracle of life with remarkable experiences to come. However, others may think this miracle of life will be nothing but problems in their lives. Many females who are not ready for a baby seek abortion as the answer of their problems. Abortion is known to be one of the most debated issues in society. It is best defined as a “medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus” (“Merriam-Webster 's Learner 's Dictionary”). Regardless, if a woman becomes unexpectedly pregnant and is not mentally or financially stable to take care of a baby, abortion is still not the answer. The procedures for abortion is unhealthy for the female, is murder of the fetus, and goes against the 14th Amendment.
However, others believe it is not considered murder and is acceptable if the mother chooses to kill her baby in the womb through abortion; with only the restriction of having the procedure done before the fetus is 24 weeks old. People may find this law logical, because they assume the baby is not developed yet. Therefore the fetus could not feel anything, and the termination of the baby would not be considered murder. They think this way because “doctors groups and other critics of the law argue that a fetus cannot feel pain at 20 weeks gestational age” (Miller Sarah). They assume that the only difference this procedure would do is benefit the mother by assisting her with issues this baby could be for her. In reality, doctors have confirmed that unborn babies can feel pain. In fact, “surgeons entering the womb that perform corrective procedures on fetuses, and have seen babies flinch, jerk, and move from sharp objects” (When Can an Unborn). An unborn baby as little as 20 weeks old “is fully capable of experiencing pain. … Without question, [abortion] is a dreadfully painful experience for any infant subjected to such a surgical procedure”, says Robert J White, a medical doctor and professor of neurosurgery. It has been established that indeed the baby is fully capable of feeling the entire procedure. In addition to the fetus having sensation, visual features that make up the baby are clearly human, therefore, without a doubt, the fetus is in fact, alive in the womb. Considering the definition of murder “killing of one human being by another” (Merriam-Webster), describes abortion perfectly. This is because a life that had potential greatness was given the opportunity to grow and impact many, is killed by another human being. Simply because the fetus is helpless for that time being, and could

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