Abortion Should Be Illegal

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How would you feel if someone took your ability to live? Imagine someone making the decision for your chance at life. When a baby is in its mother womb, it has no say so in their life, it is all up to the mother. If their mother abort their baby, the baby has no choice but to get their life taken away. The baby whole future is ruined before it even gets a chance at life. I believe abortions should be illegal because of many reasons. To begin with, abortions compounds tragedy. The circumstances surrounding pregnancy are tragic. Some babies are diagnosed with a defect while in the womb. Women health might be at risk. But, one tragedy is not answered with another one. Rape does not get erased by killing a child. When a baby is diagnosed with a defect, dont cure its life by taking its life. Do not avoid health issues by avoiding another person’s life. …show more content…

Real-life stories show that abortions harm women. Women can be harm mentally, emotionally, and physically. Some women’s lives are lost through abortions. Women can experience a loss of their fertility. Also, an increase in miscarriages can happen after abortions. Also, it is damaging to relationships and families. Whenever a family member dies, it is tragic to the rest of the family. When someone has a abortion, a real, living child has been killed and the parents are damaged. Some people have abortions so they can solve their problems or just be happy. Some women abort their child to make their partner stay with them. But, after the abortion they might leave and the women will be left lonely. Abortion is never the answer to a relationship. Another reason why, abortion never really goes away. No one can erase what a abortion does. Abortions kills a human being. Times does not erase murder or ease the pain. It will always be remembered. Abortion is cruel, but is a choice that should never be made. That choice stays with someone

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