Aaliyah Psychosocial

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This report is based on the psychosocial of Aaliyah Janae Washburn. The assessment is used only for the purpose of classifying those features to the personality of Aaliyah which can be related to her suitability to be considered for Independent Living. The assessment involved a two hour interview. The interview took place in Fayetteville NC on April 03, 2017. Aaliyah appeared to be nervous and anxious during the interview. Presenting Problem Aaliyah is a 17 year -old, heterosexual, African American female. Aaliyah is currently in the 11th grade. Aaliyah has been using methamphetamine and marijuana for the past 4 years. She has had 3 miscarriages and is currently 4 months pregnant by her foster brother who is 22 years old. Aaliyah is currently …show more content…

The family was Baptist of the African American and Caucasian descent. Aaliyah’s father was an alcoholic and was both physically and verbally abusive. The family was middle upper class. Her father was a car salesmen and her mother is a RN. Her mother is alive but she currently doesn’t know where she resides, and her father is in prison for the abuse of her. Aaliyah was estranged from her mother after her parent got a divorce and estranged from her father after the report of abuse. She maintained a good relationship with her sister before she was killed 4 years ago. Aaliyah was in a foster home until she found out she was pregnant and it’s her foster brothers. As of this interview she is homeless. Positive Support System Aaliyah has a best friend that she has known for 5 years that is supportive of Aaliyah getting help. Aaliyah recently started attending after school programs to bring her grades up. She has made a few friends that what her to do well and support her. Some of the teachers want her to consider college after she has her baby. One teacher referred her to us and to an outreach program for foster teens that are homeless and pregnant. Crime and …show more content…

The client is here to seek help because of her probation and that she doesn’t want to be on drugs anymore. The client’s strengths are she is articulate, bright, and empathetic, and straight forward. Her weaknesses are she is an enabler, stubborn, and a people-pleaser. The goals for the client after counseling is to be able to go into independent living, finish high school and kick her drug habit and take care of her baby. The strategies for her to complete this would be first to get her into the GAP program (her birthday is in a couple of days), get a referral to Fayetteville Treatment Center for their drug program, continue to go to school, give her OGBYN’s in her area that accepts Medicaid, and assist client in identifying life changes, and rehearsal to refuse high risk situations. The type of counseling would be group counseling one a week and individual counseling twice a

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