Aaliyah Case Study

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Aaliyah is a young woman of 25 years old. She grew up in her parent’s house and decided to leave home when she was 18 years old, due to her father’s alcohol use. She finished high school and after moving in with a friend and finding a full time job, she decided to go back to school. Aaliyah is going to school to get her degree in criminal justice. She is not happy at her current place of employment; she is working at a contracting company as an administrative assistant and is ready to move on and find something different to do with her life. On occasion Aaliyah smokes cigarettes and every once in a while she has an alcoholic drink (Argosy University,2014). First off, Aaliyah is at risk for drug or alcohol abuse, being that her father is an alcoholic and sometimes alcoholism is passed down through the blood lines, children of alcoholics are four times more likely to have alcohol problems (NIAAA,2012). Growing up in that kind of environment makes one more susceptible to psychological issues …show more content…

One thing that is not mentioned in the case study is that of potential physical and emotional abuse or neglect, that may have happened to Aaliyah as she was growing up. Granted there are parents out there that can drink excessively and not physically harm their kids, but there are still the psychological ramifications from not having a parent fully responsive or present. I think that with Aaliyah’s past she will have to be vigilant and aware of the factors belonging to her upbringing and all that it might entail. Aaliyah wants to better her life and is doing things to ensure that her future is secure. It would do her some good to get a counselor on her side as someone to talk to when she feels like she is not living up to her own expectations of

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