Aakar Innovations Case Study

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Identify the problem(s) that Aakar innovations is solving. How effective has it been at finding a solution? Aakar Innovations was developed to address several hygiene and social issues plaguing women in India. In a nation-wide survey, it was found that only 12% of the 355 million women of menstruating-age in India were use sanitary pads and usage was even lower in rural areas. Alternative methods, or no methods at all, were being utilized by women because they lacked awareness of proper hygiene, couldn’t afford proper hygiene items, didn’t have access to proper hygiene items, or were concerned with disposability issues. As a result, women could experience several health issues – infections, cancer, difficulty procreating, etc. – as well as …show more content…

Aakar Innovations supplies the machines in production centers, supplies raw materials, and helps train the local women on technical/marketing skills. In addition to creating an affordable source of sanitary napkins, the involvement with the local communities also empowers women and helps improve socioeconomic status. To measure the effectiveness of its endeavor, Aakar Innovations identifies several indicators to signify its social impact. To date, two million in revenue has been generated by women entrepreneurs throughout 20 + units operating throughout India. Aakar Innovations has reached 50,000 + customers and employs 300 + women in their “mini factories”. This has helped lift women out of poverty through job creation; has raised awareness of women’s rights (i.e. health needs); has helped prevent pain, disease, and death; and reduced school drop-out rates for adolescent girls by 90%. What competencies do you think they [the founders] possess? How did these competencies help them start Aakar Innovations? How will these competencies help them grow and scale Aakar

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