ADHD Essay

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common psychiatric disorder in children and adolescents. As implied in the abbreviation, students who are diagnosed with ADHD often encounter learning difficulties due to a lack of concentration and a tendency to be impulsive, which eventually result in poor academic achievement. Although a prescription for ADHD students is available to alleviate the symptoms, it is often not reliable because medicinal effects vary among individuals. As a result, many experts in education tried to incorporate electronic devices to address the issues that ADHD students have. The potential of electronic devices to facilitate students in learning has long been noted by the experts. However, only a few researchers have actually considered using electronic devices for students with learning disability, especially students with ADHD. Thus, ADHD students should use electronic devices because they aid students with ADHD by managing their hyperactivity, which, in turn, improves their concentration, resulting in independent learners.
There are two prominent symptoms in ADHD, a lack of concentration and a tendency to be impulsive, which are crucial to be addressed due to the fact that they can disturb the learning process. In contrast to normal students, students with ADHD have underdeveloped frontal brains, which lack of development results in slower brain activity (Cole, 2008, para. 3). Therefore, students diagnosed with ADHD generally have difficulty concentrating, which can negatively impact their performance at school. In addition, ADHD students have a propensity to show challenging behaviors, such as hyperactivity and restlessness, which often impede their learning ability (Shih, Wang, & Wang, 2014,...

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Shih, C., Wang, S., & Wang, Y. (2014). Assisting children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to reduce the hyperactive behavior of arbitrary standing in class with a Nintendo Wii Remote Controller through an active reminder and preferred reward stimulation. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(9), 2069-2076. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2014.05.007
Storeygard, J. (2012). My child "can". Exceptional Parent, 42(9), 48-50. Retrieved from

Wells, J., & Sheehey, M. (2013). Harnessing the Power of Technology: Increasing Academic Engagement of Elementary Students' with Learning Disabilities and ADHD. Insights on Learning Disabilities, 10(1), 73-86. doi: 10.1010/1949-1212
Wetherby, M. (2012). Some assistive technologies can help all students. Disability Compliance for Higher Education, 17(6), 7. doi: 10.1002/dhe

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