ADD Personal Statement

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It was a shock. The pediatric psychiatrist diagnosed me with a novel maladaptive behavior syndrome known as attention deficit disorder (ADD). My condition has notably hindered my ability to concentrate, organize, and execute both in the classroom and within social spheres. However, I have tried to meet the challenges posed by this mysterious syndrome through a number of approaches. Although they have been arduous, I have improved my control over the consequences of this disorder.

At the time of my diagnosis, I made significant efforts not to behave differently from my peers. My parents and teachers noticed that the overwhelming majority of my symptoms involved organizational skills; the inability to prioritize and difficulty finishing tasks. …show more content…

My siblings initially introduced me to the areas of psychology and neuroscience. My sister, currently a student majoring in psychology at Towson University and my brother, a University of Maryland alumnus in Nutritional Science, have shaped my attitude towards this condition, primarily, with the breadth of knowledge they share with me in these fields. Their scientific influence has motivated me to pursue one of these fields as my focus of study. As a student at the University of Maryland, my goal will be to learn more about the basis of my disorder and to become immersed in the academic community where issues are being debated and outcomes are being published, in the setting of either psychology or nutrition. Currently, there is still a lively debate about whether ADD is caused by the effect of the environment on children or by a biological dysfunction. It is likely that studies will, at some point, provide us with an elaborate answer, which I hope to learn and contribute to through the appropriate avenues at the University of Maryland. In my case, the disorder proved to be useful to generate the impetus needed to handle its consequences and it is this drive and resilience that I look to capitalize on during my undergraduate

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