A Waking Up In A Room In The Starbucks

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The story takes place in the general greater Maryland area. While there are very few consistent places in the novel due to A waking up with a different life each day, there are a few similar settings that go to show how similar each of our lives really are.
For example, every body A is in throughout the novel wakes up in a bedroom. While each bedroom is very different, in essence most are about the same. There’s a bed, a closet, clothes, and other bedroom furniture. However, the way the bedroom is decorated or how clean each room is expresses something unique about each person. A tidy bedroom can show that the person cares about his or her own self enough to have a decent amount of self respect, which is then reflected into the room. A wakes up one …show more content…

The Starbucks seems to be very busy every time it appears, which could be symbolic of A’s life. In a Starbucks, especially a busy one, people come and go and one tends to forget the bustling customers shortly after they leave and go on with their respective lives. This is much like how when A is in a new body, A usually stops thinking about the person they were a day ago, and while A’s life may seem chaotic and impossible to manage to an outsider, A is so accustomed to it that they do not pay the difficulty of their life too much attention and just manage it …show more content…

However, I understand the purpose of doing this, for if A were to tell Nathan that they refer to themselves as “A” to him, Nathan may be even more intimidated by A. The person Nathan believes to be the devil introducing themselves with a single letter could make A seem

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