A Visual Analysis Essay

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In this painting, the eye is immediately drawn to the woman’s face in the center. Her face is framed with a red bonnet, and her brown hair extends underneath. She is in the arms of a man, whose eyes are covered by his hat. Her eyes are aimed downward, and she is smiling very softly. They are dancing, him pulling her close while leaning his face closer to hers. She is wearing a light pink dress, with sleeves down to her elbow and the skirt of the dress down to the ground. He is wearing a dark blue, navy suit with a tan hat and shoes. The only part of his face that is visible is his beard, and the viewer can tell his eyes are locked on her. They are twirling around outside, and the rest of the painting is blurred to illustrate that. Behind them are people sitting at a table talking, with cups on the table. The trees are a nice shade of green, and there are a lot of blues in the background. This allows the woman to be the center of attention, as well as a pop of color in her pink and red.

In this piece, the two visual elements that stand out the most are texture and time/motion. The way Renoir painted this gives the painting a 3D effect. The blur of the trees not only puts the focus on the couple, but also demonstrates their dancing and moving. The way Renoir paints is similar to Monet, as they both add a blurry effect that allows their work to be …show more content…

This piece was created with oil paint on canvas, and is believed to be a tribute to his fellow impressionists. He developed this style of painting while trying to copy some more famous pieces in the Louvre. According to the New Yorker, the woman in the painting is Suzanne Valadon. The way she is painted with an intelligent yet sincere demeanor truly shows Renoir’s perception of women around this time. The couple in the painting is enjoying an open-air cafe on the banks of the Seine, clearly undisturbed by the crowd around

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