A Thousand Splendid Suns Reflective Essay

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People who come from other parts of the world that look a little different than the ones from the USA, have to endure all the hatred , racism and the stereotypes people have of them. I’ve had to endure with that all my life and trust me sometimes it’s not easy. I feel down and upset because even if I look the tiniest bit of different, they have something to say to bring me down. In the book A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Husseini which takes place in Afganistan, the main characters, Mariam and Laila, absolutely have no choices in their marriage. They are forced to do what Rasheed wants them to do, or else he beats them. Both of them survive because of each other and their support. In this book, Endurance requires patience, knowledge and sacrifice.
In the novel, Mariam has to be patient in order to endure. Right when Rasheed and Mariam think their marriage is going good, she miscarries. Rasheed’s attitude completely changes. After four years of marriagebetween Mariam and Rasheed, she miscarries six more times. Rasheed takes it personally and believes that Mariam is a completely useless nineteen year- old. He beats Mariam after that, continously. Most women in other parts of the world would leave. She could have also committed suicide but she stays and does not because Nana taught her to be …show more content…

Laila and Mariam pretty much hated each other before Laila had her kid . Rasheed was beating Mariam when Laila finally decided to physically stop him. Mariam a couple of days later, brings up when Lila stood up for her. She is confused as to why she stood up for her, if supposedly they are enemies. They both grab a cup of tea and start to enjoy eachothers company. That’s when they both start talking more. If Laila wouldn’t have intervened when Rasheed was beating Mariam, they would still hate each other. Also Rasheed would have killed one of them in a

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