A Sociological Analysis Of Kitty Genovese's Murder

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On March 13, 1964, Kitty Genovese was murdered outside a liquor store at 3:20 AM. She screamed for help, but her pleas were mostly ignored as neighbours dismissed it as a drunken brawl between lovers. Her killer stabbed her twice in the back, before a neighbour scared him away by shouting, “Let that girl alone.” Still, no one went to check up on Genovese who, now injured, continued to cry out, “If someone doesn’t help me I’m going to die!” (Pelonero, 2014). Her killer returned 10 minutes later to rape and stab her to death. In the aftermath of her murder, a neighbour admitted to the police that he “didn’t want to get involved.” Genovese’s murder has became a figurehead for the bystander effect, due to the apathy displayed by the reported 38 …show more content…

It was Genovese’s murder that first sparked research and discussion in this area. Her case has had a substantial effect on social psychology and how group mentality works. Originally, the conclusion was that urban people tended to be apathetic due to the stress of city life. Social psychologists Bibb Latané and John M. Darley, inspired by the case, conducted the renowned Bystander Apathy Experiment and Smoke Filled Room Experiment (Latané, Darley, 1968). Their findings have changed public thought on Genovese’s case; it is not that urban citizens are less likely to help, but groups in general tend to exhibit the same behaviour (Rendsvig, …show more content…

The first factor is the diffusion of responsibility, a psychological phenomenon that states people are less likely to take action or feel responsible when part of a large group. In Genovese’s situation, it takes the form of a wife urging her husband to not call the police because “thirty people must have called by now” (Pelonero, 2014). Knowing other neighbours would be awake, she felt that one of them would intervene if they had not already done so. The danger with this kind of thinking lies in the fact that if everyone shares this mentality, no one ends up getting

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